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A member registered Sep 06, 2022

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thank you omg!! also, another question that I forgot to ask is: did you take a major in psychology? because the words and the "thoughts" seem by someone who took a major in psychology. also, I love the phrase where zack says that people who study psychology want to fix other people's problems bc they can't fix their own because I'm doing psychology at school, and it's honestly funny how accurate it is. thank youu and have a good day/afternoon/night :)


I'm the same person as 2 months ago hehe and I've been replaying it and a few questions were going through my head (and also replaying it again made me notice how accurate and relatable is Zack's character with his overthinking. I see myself so much) anyways the questions are: 1) what year are they in, in the game? is it like a specific year? Ernie refers to them as Millenials so.. 2) is it a made-up story or are some things from a true story? just curious :) 3) do you plan to do more games like this one? because I would be very excited to play it!! 

thank you for your availability and for creating this game again haha :)


i just wanted to say thanks for creating this game, it helped me back in february where i wasnt feeling very well mentally and had to skip school until may bc of that but your game really went along with me through those months and i cannot explain how thankful i am tysm for making this oml and the characters and i cried so many times bc of how relatable they were omg. ngl im gonna replay it again now haha :D 

ty <3